


carpenter ants

Many people think carpenter ants eat wood, but this is not the case. Other pests, like termites, do indeed feast on the wood fibers. That being said, carpenter ants are still a major headache. They tunnel through wooden structures, which causes these structures to weaken. They lurk in damp, dark places like old stumps or woodpiles. One ant in your home does not necessarily mean you’ve got an infestation on your hands. They could be exploratory scouts. However, if these scouts happen upon anything tasty, like a food crumb or pet food bowl, it may not take long before you have a trail of unwanted visitors. Carpenter ants are black and larger than your average garden ant you might find along the sidewalk cracks.


If there's one bug that is creepier than spiders, it's definitely the centipede. They're extremely common in Connecticut homes. Fortunately, this critter is harmless. While there are a few recorded instances of centipedes biting humans, these incidents happened when someone was walking around barefoot and accidentally stepped on one. Also, some incident reports stated that someone was trying to handle the bug. These stings can be as painful as a bee sting. But again, they are only going to bite you as a last resort. As you probably know, centipedes will run quickly when spotted. Therefore, you really don’t have to worry about them unless you’re going out of your way to look for trouble.


Keeping bugs out of a basement or attic can be challenging, especially when it comes to silverfish. Though the name suggests these animals are a type of fish, they're actually wingless, carrot-shaped insects. Their name comes from the silvery scales that coat their exoskeleton. Like centipedes, they have two long antennae, three tails, and will dart quickly when disturbed. Like most bugs, you’ll find them dwelling in areas that don't typically see a lot of direct light: basements, attics, behind bookshelves, crawlspaces, and shady areas of the garden. Silverfish are nocturnal, so you may not see one unless you go looking, but if you do happen upon one, they will dart out of the light as fast as possible.


While many people find millipedes cute, we understand that most homeowners don't want them indoors. Rest assured, however, that if one does slip in, it is harmless. The trouble is: millipedes often migrate in large groups. So if one gets in, more could follow. Ironically, they can't actually reproduce indoors, so if they find their way inside, it's likely by accident, usually because a breeding ground is nearby.

A perimeter pest control application is great for repelling these bugs and keeping them in your garden where they belong. In fact, millipedes are one of the most beneficial bugs to have in your garden. They are like a living composter, as they feed on decaying matter in your garden.



Of all the bugs in your home, cockroaches pose the biggest health risks. And unfortunately, they are one of the trickiest bugs to eradicate because they are so good and surviving. Did you know that cockroaches can survive several weeks without their heads? Like all living things, cockroaches have to poop, and when they do, the accumulation of their waste can have horrible effects on your health. It can cause or exacerbate asthma, and many people are highly allergic to cockroaches. Common kinds of cockroaches in Connecticut include brown-banded, German, American, and Oriental cockroaches. They have long oval bodies, flattened heads with antennae, and some adults of the species have wings. They appear similar to other bugs like crickets or ground beetles. The most common place you'll find cockroaches is in the kitchen. Look in cupboards, the pantry, the recycling or trash cans, or under the sink. There's a reason restaurants have to combat them: they will follow the food source.


We don’t have to tell you how creepy it is to find spiders in your basement, on your walls, or even on your ceiling. While they do their part to trap and kill other insects in your home, spider webs have been a symbol of uncleanliness for generations. In short, you don’t have to justify wanting to have your home spider-free. There are many species in Connecticut; some have been known to bite humans. Wolf spiders, northern black widows, fishing spiders, and jumping spiders are some of the most common.


The easiest way to prevent all of the aforementioned bugs, in addition to many others, is with a perimeter pest control spray. Your pest control technician will use a hydraulic sprayer to cover the area surrounding your home’s foundation and up to three feet outwards. This leaves behind a residue that will kill existing bugs and prevent new intruders since the residue continues working long after spraying. Essentially, you can spray and forget about it. In addition to your home, perimeter pest control can also be used to keep bugs away from patios, garages, and sheds.


You don't have to put up with bugs in your home. At Naturally Green Lawn Care, we offer a variety of pest control programs. Our Perimeter Pest Control keeps out ants, spiders, cockroaches, and other bugs we discussed above. We also provide flea and tick control treatments as well as grub control services to target bugs both on the surface and underground. To learn more, leave us a message online here.

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